Illuminate the future with the world's wisdom

NEW June 21, 2024 IISE co-hosts New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher LuxonOpen Link

About IISE

Institute for International Socio-Economic Studies (IISE) is an independent think tank of the NEC Group that spearheads the creation of future social values by accumulating knowledge and wisdom from around the world. Propelled by the "insights" we acquire from objectively examining issues from the viewpoints of consumers and society, we envision the future and set out on a course to make it come true. We aim to create new social values and implement them in society as we collaborate with diverse institutions, groups, and opinion leaders around the globe and foster "empathy of the future".

MissionOpen Link

Business Overview

Thought Leadership

Image of Thought Leadership

Basic Research

Image of Basic Research

Economic Security

Image of Economic Security

IISE strives to realize Thought Leadership Initiatives that offer future market strategies by combining basic research, which IISE has nurtured since its inception in 2000, with economic security expertise that foresees sharp future shifts in international affairs.


News and Reports

News and ReportsOpen Link

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